Marriage and Family Relations Committee
The Marriage and Family Relations Committee consults with those who request a Meeting for Worship during which a union of marriage or commitment under the care of the Meeting takes place, makes certain that no obstacle exists which would make the union inadvisable and makes a recommendation to the Meeting accordingly. This Committee expresses the continuing concern of the Meeting for the well-being of the union and family relationships within it and supports families in all their forms. Books and pamphlets on these and related topics are provided and members of the Committee endeavor to give help in thinking through difficult marital, commitment, family or personal problems to any who seek such assistance. It may form clearness committees, if requested, with respect to marriage or commitment, separation or divorce, or adoption or birth. Changes in marital, commitment, or family status of a member (separation, divorce, adoption or birth) are recorded in the membership files.
Click here for more information on marriages or unions of commitment under the care of the Meeting.
Click this link to learn about Baby Welcoming
Click this link to see a list of committee members.