Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee proposes to the Meeting for Business for its approval all Officers of the Meeting except the Recorder, the Historian(s), the Librarian, the Trustees, all members of standing committees except the Nominating Committee, and representatives to other organizations. The Nominating Committee also proposes annually to the Meeting for Business for its approval the clerk and co-clerk or alternate clerk for each standing committee; suggestions from committee members are welcome. In addition, the Nominating Committee proposes to the Meeting for Business for its approval the clerks and the members of the Mary Jane Simpson Scholarship Fund, the Mary Walcott-Lucy Foster Educational Fund, and the Senior Center Committee, but it proposes only the clerk of the Garden Committee. The Search Committee proposes to the Meeting for Business for its approval the members and the clerks of the Nominating Committee.
The Nominating Committee, after consultation with the Ministry and Worship Committee, nominates a Meeting member with a concern for ministry or pastoral care to participate in the meetings and responsibilities of the Baltimore Yearly Meeting Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee.
The Nominating Committee may assign to each member of Nominating Committee responsibility for liaison with particular committees. Nominating Committee members form relationships with the clerks of committees to address committee problems, consulting with clerks on issues such as attendance, sharing the workload of the committee and helping to resolve issues before they become problems.
The Nominating Committee, in consultation with the Ministry and Worship Committee as way opens, also conducts one or two committee workshops each year designed to assist committee members obtain the skills and knowledge they need to help their committees minister more effectively to the Meeting and to their members.
Click this link to see a list of committee members.
Click this link to see the most current list of Officers and Committee Members.
Click this link to see the committee’s Annual Report for 2012.