Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee is responsible for the oversight of the staff employed by the Meeting. The Presiding Clerk serves as an ex officio member.

The Committee’s duties include preparation and annual review of job descriptions; recommendations on salaries, benefits, and salary schedules to the Finance and Stewardship Committee; the review and revision of employment policies and procedures as necessary; ongoing evaluation and an annual written evaluation of the work of the Administrative Secretary; recommendation to the Committee of Clerks on the renewal of the Administrative Secretary’s contract of employment; providing advisory assistance to the Administrative Secretary on personnel matters and office procedures; making recommendations to Meeting committees regarding activities that may affect the workload of the staff; and scheduling the Friendly Office Presence on First Days.

The Personnel Committee acts as a search committee for an Administrative Secretary and recommends a candidate for employment to the Committee of Clerks. While acting as a search committee, the size of the Personnel Committee is increased by at least two persons recommended by the Nominating Committee and approved by the Meeting for Business.

Click this link to see a list of committee members.

Click this link for the Employment Policies and Procedures Manual (Updated May 2022)