Spiritual Growth Opportunities

You are invited to join with Friends in these programs. For questions or more information about a group or program listed below, please contact the individual leaders listed or email FMW’s Ministry & Worship Committee at: MinistryWorship@QuakersDC.org

FMW Quaker Spiritual Development Programs

Friends who participate in FMW’s Quaker Spiritual Development (QSD) programs can support and enrich their spiritual journey. Listed below are the QSD programs available through FMW. Some programs are recurring weekly or monthly. In addition to the recurring programs, the Ministry & Worship committee facilitates workshops that address topics of interest to Friends. A monthly listing of the Quaker Spiritual Development programs can be found on FMW’s homepage.

Through our programs you can strengthen your relationship with the Spirit, the Meeting and your community.

Recurring Programs

Spiritual Growth Programs

FMW has a wide range of Spiritual Growth Programs that Friends can participate in. Through our programs you can strengthen your relationship with the Spirit, the Meeting and your Community.

Bible Study

Friendly Bible Study Using the Friendly Bible Study queries, this group meets every two weeks at 12 p.m. on First Days (Sundays). You are welcome at every meeting. Contact David Etheridge, david.etheridge@verizon.net, cell 202.577.8431.

Quaker Bible Study – Bible study group sponsored by Young Adult Friends meets weekly on Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 p.m. Contact Gene Throwe, gthrowe@gmail.com.

Reading Group 

Reading Quakers Together Third Sunday of the month from 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. Newcomers welcome. We respond in worship sharing to a Quaker text chosen in advance. Then we respond to the query, “How is Spirit dealing with Thee?” Contact Sabrina McCarthy, sabrina.mccarthy@verizon.net, cell 240.778.5234.

Prayer Group

Ignatian Prayer – Fourth Sunday of the month, 3:30 to 5:00 pm.  Newcomers welcome.  We meet on Zoom.  After reading together a Bible text chosen in advance, we converse in solitude with Spirit.  Then we come back together for worship sharing about our experience.  Contact, Sabrina McCarthy, Sabrina.Mccarthy@verizon.net, cell: (240) 778-5234.

Spiritual Development 

Spiritual Formation programs encourage and support individuals to meet together to consider the spiritual issues in their lives, to explore spiritual disciplines, and to share thoughts about readings. The Spiritual Formation program is under the sponsorship of Baltimore Yearly Meeting, which convenes a spring and fall retreat. Currently there are two groups at FMW:

  • A group of Spiritual Friends meets monthly. Contact Sabrina McCarthy, sabrina.mccarthy@verizon.net, cell 240.778.5234, if interested.
  • A group of Friends meet at 6:30 p.m. on the First Thursday of the month.  Friends meet in silent worship and sharing on their spiritual path. Readings may be used. BYM has encouraged open participation where friends can drop in and do not need to make a firm commitment. Contact John Bluedorn at johnbluedorn@gmail.com.

Spiritual Journey Meditation group meets on the Fourth Monday of the month from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. for meditation and worship sharing to support its members on their spiritual journeys. The group also meets on the Second Monday of the month from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. for tea. The group holds a one-day fall retreat at the Meeting House and a weekend spring retreat at a place selected in advance. Contact Sabrina McCarthy, sabrina.mccarthy@verizon.net, cell 240.778.5234, if interested.

Spiritual Friendships allows individuals to explore their lives together from a spiritual perspective. The group meets the Fourth Sunday of the month from noon to 1pm. You are welcome at every meeting. Contact Sabrina McCarthy, sabrina.mccarthy@verizon.net, cell 240.778.5234.

Spiritual Friendship Circles offer a unique opportunity to reflect/share with others your deeper spiritual journey. In circles of 3 to 4 Friends, each person is given 15 to 20 minutes of silence, agreed upon in advance, to reflect/share their discernment around the following 3 queries.

  1. How have I experienced Spirit/the Light since we last met?
  2. What is Spirit teaching me? or What is Spirit showing me?
  3. How is my inner life shaping my outer life? How is my outer life being shaped by my inner life?

This is followed by a discussion to reflect on one another’s messages. The circles meet for 1.5 to 2 hours. Optional reading of Patricia Long’s “Listening Spirituality, Volume 1” may be used. Tish Thames convenes the Circles and can be contacted at viticia@gmail.com for more information.


Inquirers Class – The Inquirers class is currently being developed under the Ministry & Worship Committee and was offered in 2022.


Ministry & Worship offers workshops on a periodic basis. The Quaker Spiritual Development Update contains the current workshops that are being offered. 

If you would like assistance from the Ministry & Worship Committee in starting a group for FMW’s Quaker Spiritual Development program please contact Ann Herzog at aherzog333@yahoo.com, cell 202.246.5125


Book Group – Friends meet monthly to discuss a spiritual text. For more information, contact Joe Izzo at jizzo4102@gmail.com

Clearness Committees – Anyone facing a personal problem or crisis may ask the Marriage and Family Relations, Membership, Ministry and Worship, or Personal Aid Committee to form a small committee of Friends to help in seeking clearness about what to do. You can watch a short video about clearness committees here. Contact the Clerks or email the office at admin@quakersdc.org

Healing & Reconciliation Committee – The Healing & Reconciliation Committee offers to assist people facing difficulty resolving conflict with other members/attenders. Contact Clerk Ken Orvis (urfhas@me.com) for help.

Spiritual Formation Program – Join with Friends to study, reflect and share your spiritual growth with a small group. Friends meet twice a month sometimes at the Meeting House, sometimes in homes to support one another in a spiritual practice.  Each participant commits to undertake their own individual spiritual practice (e.g., prayer, meditation, journal keeping, etc.). Friends may also attend a BYM Spiritual Formation retreat.  For more information, contact contact John Bluedorn at johnbluedorn@gmail.com.

Spiritual Journey Meditation Group – You are welcome the fourth Monday of each month at 1:00 p.m. to meditate and to share your spiritual journey. Members take turns monthly to lead the group. The group usually has a Saturday retreat in the Quaker House Living Room in the fall and a weekend retreat outside D.C. in the spring. Retreat dates are usually planned several months ahead of time. Contact Sabrina McCarthy, sabrina.mccarthy@verizon.net

Reading Early Quakers Together – You are welcome the Third Sunday of each month at 9:15 a.m. to discuss an early Quaker text, chosen in advance, and to respond to the query, “How has Spirit dealt with Thee since last we met?”  Contact Sabrina McCarthy, sabrina.mccarthy@verizon.net.